Implement Ballast Unloading

The unit of competency covered in this course is:

  • TLIS3025 Implement Ballast Unloading

At the successful completion of this course you will be able to:

  • Determine the work requirements for new ballast work and/or repair of existing ballast
  • Identify obstacles in the work area and removal or protection procedures
  • Determine ballast quantities
  • Explain the process for ballast flow rates and ballast hopper operation
  • Identify hazards when implementing track ballast activities and ways of controlling the risks
  • Describe the problems that may occur when implementing track ballast activities and the action to report and resolve these problems
  • Demonstrate the distribution methods manual/mechanical to allow safe operation of trains
  • Complete documentation in line with workplace requirements.

Course Outcome 

On successful completion of this course you will be awarded a statement of attainment for TLIS3025 Implement Ballast Unloading

Pre requisite


 Course Duration

1 Day plus Workplace Assessment

Course Location

Training facility or on site as arranged

Course Booking Contact

Rail Training Coordinators